Shen和oah Conservatory uses the platform Coursedog for academic 和 event scheduling.
Coursedog is the platform used by Shen和oah University for academic 和 event scheduling.
Spaces can be reserved by visiting 澳门线上赌博平台.事件.刺激
Yes, you must use your email address when requesting an event. Requests submitted using other email addresses will be automatically rejected. The only forms that do not require an email address are 外部组织 和 Summer Camps 和 Conferences.
This will vary depending on the form. 然而, most 事件 cannot be requested more than 120 days in advance.
No reservations are accepted with less than 1 business day notice; all spaces within the window are available on a first-come, 标间. If you need immediate assistance, please call Auxiliary Services at (540) 665-4500 or email
An email will be sent from Coursedog letting you know the status of your event request.
Yes, you can view a space’s availability by clicking “房间的日历” at the top of the 公共网站. Use the filter options on the right side of the page to view the availability of a specific space or spaces.
Most spaces will be reserved through Coursedog starting July 1, 2024. 然而, if you need to request an event in the following locations, please use the email address/link listed below:
- Henkel Hall Boardroom:
- 健康 Professions Building (HPB) or Loudoun: 事件 & Room Reservation Request Google Form
- Cool Spring River Campus:
- 居住生活 Spaces:
- Vaden Campus Commons (VCC) Pool:
- Smith Library, Student 研究 Spaces: LibCal Online Reservation Form
- CONS: 音乐 Facilities (Non-performance) – For reserving Shen和oah Conservatory spaces for non-performance 事件 (排练, 录音, 仪式, 等.)
- CONS: 跳舞 Facilities (Non-performance) – For reserving a dance studio for non-performance 事件 (排练, 等.)
- CONS: 剧院 Facilities (All) – For reserving Shen和oah Conservatory theatre spaces including Glaize Studio 剧院, Harold Herman Lab 剧院, Ohrstrom-Bryant 剧院 和 Lobby, 更衣室, 制图室, 和 theatre rehearsal room for performances, 排练, 事件, 和 all other 和 non-performance needs.
- CONS: Student Recital – For students enrolled in a student recital to reserve a recital location 和 time